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Game Sound Design Strategies
GSD StrategiesCheck out the strategies when you are feeling creatively uninspired. Each random strategy will present you with a new avenue to pursue. Give them a try!
Game Sound Design Glossary
GSD GlossaryOur game audio glossary has all the sound terms you have been wondering about. Game audio can be confusing enough without having to deal with a new technical language. We are constantly updating the database with new terms that relate to not only game audio but game developer terms as well.
Vance Dylan Field Recording
Since we last spoke, a lot has happened with you professionally. You worked at Bioware as a sound designer on such AAA titles like Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age. You now have a new venture called Sonic Solutions which we will talk about shortly. Can you elaborate a little on your time at Bioware and what lessons it taught you professionally...

Since we last spoke, a lot has happened with you professionally. You worked at Bioware as a sound designer on such AAA titles like Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age. You now have a new venture called Sonic Solutions which we will talk about shortly. Can you elaborate a little on your time at Bioware and what lessons it taught you professionally...
Alice Bernier
Alice Bernier has worked on many AAA game titles including Quantum Of Solace, Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen, Kung Fu Panda, Spider Man 3, and Prince Of Persia...

Alice Bernier has worked on many AAA game titles including Quantum Of Solace, Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen, Kung Fu Panda, Spider Man 3, and Prince Of Persia...
Vance Dylan
Game Sound Design interviews Vance Dylan. Vance has worked on many triple-A game titles including Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age: Origins, and Sonic Chronicles. Let's start off with the ubiquitous question: when did you decide to pursue a career in sound Vance?...

Game Sound Design interviews Vance Dylan. Vance has worked on many triple-A game titles including Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age: Origins, and Sonic Chronicles. Let's start off with the ubiquitous question: when did you decide to pursue a career in sound Vance?...
Chuck Russom
Taking a quick glance at your credit list, it's obvious you have a passion for sound. What motivated you to become a game sound designer?...

Taking a quick glance at your credit list, it's obvious you have a passion for sound. What motivated you to become a game sound designer?...