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Game Sound Design Strategies
GSD StrategiesCheck out the strategies when you are feeling creatively uninspired. Each random strategy will present you with a new avenue to pursue. Give them a try!
Game Sound Design Glossary
GSD GlossaryOur game audio glossary has all the sound terms you have been wondering about. Game audio can be confusing enough without having to deal with a new technical language. We are constantly updating the database with new terms that relate to not only game audio but game developer terms as well.

I am often asked what audio plugins I use when designing sounds. My answer frequently includes some new plugin that I have recently discovered and have started using in my day to day work. Though, I must admit that I am not a complete...
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How do you create that fast whoosh sound of your character's sword for the video game you are currently working on? What if you needed a whoosh sound of an F1 race car flying past the camera? Well, the answer is not so cut and dry of course, but one thing that is a great starting point is to record whooshes and swishes with various easy to find objects...
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One important aspect to creating exceptional sound design is iteration. Iteration means to revise sounds until they are perfect... or as close as you can get them to perfection. Iteration is a necessity because there are times when you must get a sound into your game quickly without much time to work it to it's best form. And let's face it, not all of your...
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We review Boom Library's Assault Weapons pack. Everyone knows that recording guns is hard and is often best left to the experts. Find out how this collection of over 25 guns sounds and if it is a worthwhile addition to your sound effects library!
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Our list of the ten best game sound design plugins.
We show you how to record whooshes and swishes.
How do you know when to revise a sound?
Our review of the Assault Weapons sound effects pack.
Sound Design Techniques

Creating an atmosphere in your game can be very important. You may find that you need to create a "creepy" or "haunting" soundscape to convey to the player that they are in the midst of danger. A great way to achieve this is by using a piano.

In this article we show you how to record whooshes and swishes. These sounds can be an important part of any sound design project. Find out what we used to record them with and how to achieve the best results...

We record some crazy sounding dry ice screeches and groans in this session. Find out what dry ice is, where to get it and what kinds of sounds you can expect to achieve when recording it...

Loading up a slingshot with various metal pieces and washers can definitely be a dangerous experiment in sound design. However, if done right you can definitely obtain some great swish, whiz, and zing by sound effects...
Sound Design Articles

I am often asked what audio plugins I use when designing sounds. My answer frequently includes some new plugin that I have recently discovered and have started using in my day to day work. Though, I must admit that I am not a complete...

One important aspect to creating exceptional sound design is iteration. Iteration means to revise sounds until they are perfect... or as close as you can get them to perfection. Iteration is a necessity because there are times when you must get a sound into your game quickly without much time to work it to it's best form. And let's face it, not all of your...

Inspiration is a very mercurial event. One cannot control the moments of inspiration that occur or when those moments will happen. Some believe that with more work comes more inspiration...

1. Always carry a digital recorder with you. You never know when sound inspiration will strike. So you must be ready to record that unique door close or train pass. Portable recorders are so inexpensive and small these days...